Please pray for the Thai people and us as we obey God’s commissioning.



Many Thai people believe that “to be Thai is to be Buddhist.” This means that to become a Christian in Thailand, it will require a fundamental shift in identity. Our vision consists of walking alongside the Thai Pastors and Lay leaders in their endeavor to bring Christ’s name to their own people in order to help them put their identity and faith in Jesus. Thailand is the most densely Buddhist country in the world, with a large minority of Muslims. Evangelical Christians account for about 0.7% of the population. This means that the vast majority of people have little or no access to a culturally relevant gospel message, because the Thai Christian movement is so small. 

Thailand consists of over 7400 sub-districts of which 5,200 sub-districts do not have a church. That means that over 70% of Thailand does not have a church in their local community. As missionaries, we partner with Thai churches to help plant new churches in these districts without a church presence. 

Church Planting

Due to these staggering numbers, it was during our last term that we expanded our ministry horizons. Our primary focus remains church planting and gospel access. Having already planted a church in the Kanchanaburi province, we now turn our attention on church planting in several new key locations in Central Thailand.

TAG Kids 

Sunny created the YouTube channel, TAGKids, which has become the premier and largest Christian Kids channel in all of Thailand. It provides worship videos, Bible stories, and Bible memory verses (all in Thai) for children’s workers, parents and of course, Thai kids. 

Training Lay Leaders and Pastors 

With a M.A. in Theology and a M.S. in Art Therapy respectively, Mark and Sunny will continue to help train lay leaders, new pastors, and current pastors. We will work both in individual churches and at the Thailand Assemblies of God Bible Institute to equip and train pastors and lay leaders for the work ahead.